At Khabar Sach Tak, we are dedicated to delivering accurate, credible, and well-researched news. Our fact-checking policy ensures that all information published on our platform is verified and meets the highest journalistic standards.
Commitment to Accuracy
We strive for accuracy in every news article we publish. Our editorial team rigorously reviews each piece of content to ensure that it is factually correct, free from misinformation, and supported by credible sources.
Verification Process
- Source Evaluation – We rely on official statements, government reports, expert opinions, and reputable news agencies to verify information before publishing.
- Cross-Checking Facts – Every fact presented in our reports is cross-checked against multiple reliable sources to confirm its authenticity.
- Use of Fact-Checking Tools – We utilize AI-driven and manual fact-checking tools to detect inaccuracies, misleading claims, or manipulated content.
- Editorial Oversight – Our senior editorial team reviews every article to ensure factual correctness before it goes live.
Addressing Misinformation
If misinformation is identified in any published content, we take immediate corrective measures, including issuing clarifications and updating the report with accurate information. We do not hesitate to retract stories if found to be incorrect after publication.
Corrections and Updates
We maintain transparency by promptly correcting any errors in our news articles. All corrections are clearly indicated to ensure our readers are informed of the updates.
Reporting False Information
We encourage our readers to report any inaccuracies or questionable claims they come across on our platform. Concerns regarding false information can be submitted to [email protected] for prompt review and necessary action.
By adhering to a strict fact-checking policy, Khabar Sach Tak remains committed to journalistic integrity and public trust. We ensure that every news story we publish upholds the highest standards of truth and accountability.